14 WTF Moments From WWE SmackDown (Feb 11)

AJ Styles loses?

By Jack G King /

This week's SmackDown seemed like a relic of a bygone era. Instead of various short, snappy matches, we were treated to a show that felt fairly drawn-out (in a good way, with matches and storylines given time to develop and breathe). The main talking point is, of course, the rematch between AJ Styles and Chris Jericho, after the newcomer bested Y2J in his debut singles match. Would Jericho even the odds, or could Styles prove himself the most dominant newcomer since Kevin Owens? Elsewhere, the strange relationship between Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch continued to grow in complexity. The Lass Kicker was on guest commentary for The Boss' singles match against former Team B.A.D. sister-in-arms, Naomi. Finally, the Dudley Boyz cut a flat-out heel promo, completing their alignment switch after blindsiding The Usos on Monday Night Raw. Clearly, with all of these ingredients, we have no shortage of WTF Moments to look back upon.


14. "Speak Up, Jeff Is Blind"

Straight off the bat, we were treated to a Chris Jericho promo. However, Y2J's thunder was stolen by Jeff, a blind man in the front row, and his two helpful friends. Another fan also managed to get himself noticed, responding to Jericho's claim that "I don't like AJ Styles." with a deafening cry of "Me neither!" - betraying not only his desperate thirst for attention, but also his shockingly bad taste in wrestlers.