15 Huge WWE Predictions For The Rest Of 2015

Face turns, title changes, Money in the Bank winners, "future endeavourings" and more.

By Jack Pooley /

The weird and wonderful world of the WWE is nothing if not unpredictable, no matter what the Internet Wrestling Community might try and tell you. Sure, a lot of the time the booking is thoroughly unimaginative, but that simply lulls fans into a false sense of security, and just when they think they have everything pegged, then comes the swerve. Any year in wrestling brings unexpected title changes, shock appearances, twist allegiance turns and so on, and the remainder of 2015 should be no different. These 15 moments, whether huge surprises or simply the next logical step story-wise, just might happen over the next 7 months, whether the fans like it or not. Now, while some of these predictions skirt on the less-plausible side of things, there's nothing here that's flat-out outrageous or impossible, like a John Cena heel turn. Sorry folks, as fascinating as it would be to observe, Cena means too much to the company as a face both in terms of PR and merchandise to ever get turned heel again. If even half of these scenarios come to fruition, it's going to be an interesting 7 months. On that note, without any further ado, here are 15 huge WWE predictions for the rest of 2015...