To succeed in the wrestling business (sorry - Sports Entertainment) you really need to be quite a unique person with a particular mindset. The life of a wrestler is one of physical pain from matches and injuries; mental pain when youre isolated from your family; and a never ending desire to keep doing what youre doing in the face of what must at times feel like ceaseless obstacles. Certain individuals like John Cena make the balance look so painlessly simple that it appears to be a cakewalk. And in todays environment where the WWE tries to at least present an image that they care for their competitors (even if CM Punk has revealed that it is arguably just an image as opposed to reality) the balance between both physical and mental health has improved remarkably. All that aside though, wrestling has normally been a brutal slog and has been the most cut throat entertainment industry in the world. The nature of the industry itself has led many a performer to lose their stable grip on reality, and have their life go off track in ways they may not have imagined sometimes with tragic results. In an industry filled with many larger than life personalities and characters, these are the fifteen of the most notoriously unstable wrestlers in recent history.