16 Things You Probably Missed From WWE SmackDown (Jan 3)
AEW name-dropping, 'King' Corbin being an online troll, STDs and more...

It was a night of comebacks on the first SmackDown of 2020. John Morrison returned for the first time in almost 10 years, Sheamus raged back onto the scene and The Usos saved Roman Reigns from becoming a very good boy at the hands of 'King' Corbin and Dolph Ziggler.
Yep, more dog food angles.
That's OK, because some other parts of the show were the dog's b*llocks, and there were loads of little gems hiding in those two hours on FOX. This week's treasure trove of sneaky goodness has familiar problems from 2019 rearing its ugly head, all sorts of nameplate mayhem (Sasha Banks accidentally stole the show here), Michael Cole being a cheeky so-and-so and then some AEW name-dropping.
Elsewhere, Big E was almost rather naughty when he sort of/almost/kinda' referenced a timeless WCW botch, Elias made a bold claim about the core WWE audience in Memphis, Tennessee, Shinsuke Nakamura showed more love for the IC Belt than his employers do and Shorty G took a nasty bump.
Here's everything you might've missed from the first SmackDown of the new decade...