16 WTF Moments From WWE SmackDown (Nov 22)

WAH WAH WAH! The world has ended according to JBL...

By WhatCulture /

JBL is like Homer Simpson's doughnuts, is there anything he can't do? Ok, so clear, concise wrestling commentary is probably one of those things, but let's not split hairs. Truthfully, big Bradshaw has improved as an announcer over the past few weeks, even if he constantly gets animated over absolutely nothing.


This week's SmackDown was a classic example of that, JBL used some supremely botched hyperbole to try and sell James Ellsworth bagging a WWE contract. Unfortunately, he didn't have Michael Cole there to mouth off to, so he was reduced to a stuttering mess.

Thanks for those WTF moments, John. We couldn't do it without you!

SmackDown Live didn't feature quite as much head-scratching goodness as Raw (although Dean Ambrose did offer Shane McMahon a massage, top that Monday nights!). That said, included here we have everything from crazy costumes and meaningless stipulations to Zubaz and drunk cameramen.

Turning heads more than a world-class Kalisto promo would, here are all the WTF moments from the latest SmackDown episode....

16. Your Stipulation Means Nothing!

Now now, WWE, the pro wrestling world already knew that James Ellsworth had put pen to paper on a company contract right before SmackDown Live aired. Therefore, the only people who were fooled by your whole 'Contract Ladder Match' shindig were those in the wrestling fan fraternity who also have girlfriends and pesky social lives to contend with.


Ellsworth himself announced he was WWE bound on an independent show last weekend! C'mon, Vince!
