18 Image Changes WWE Wrestlers Should Never Have Tried

What on earth do you look like, you ridiculous people?

By Jack Morrell /

Good god, but people in the wrestling business have taken on some godawful image changes over the years. These are people who appear in front of millions for a living, and to whom appearances can be everything€ yet very often their appearance is so poorly judged that it looks like their parents lost a bet with God. We€™re not talking about changes in gimmick here, which rules out oddities like Kevin Nash as Oz, or Giant Gonzales and his furry, airbrushed nude-leotard. Neither are we talking about people who looked hilarious when they started out in the business, when perhaps fashion was a little different or they didn€™t know any better - so Jeff Hardy as a scrawny boy-band type and Ric Flair€™s high-waisted check trousers and huge coiffure don€™t count either. No, this article is dedicated to the wrestlers that somehow didn€™t realise that what they were wearing was offensively hard on the eyes, or who tried something new that they should have left on the drawing board where it belonged: the new looks that a host of WWE stars should have thought twice about...

18. We Love The Chronic (WHAT) The Chronicles Of Riddick 2

Technically, this was between WWE gigs - but in early 2012 Batista worked on the Vin Diesel vanity franchise, playing a large wedge of henchman cheddar by the name of Diaz. Considerably leaner than usual (the result of training for his mixed martial arts debut), Big Dave was still a head taller than anyone else on the film, including Diesel himself, who is an average sized man pretending to be a large man. That, of course, is still better than Stallone: a leprechaun pretending to be a giant. Yet, because of the Riddick-verse€™s existence as low-level, low-budget, lo-fi sci-fi adventure for people that missed Dolph Lundgren€™s straight to video career, Batista rocks a braided mohawk and nu-metal style goatee for this movie, an entirely unwelcome image change that he retained for a suspiciously long time after wrapping the shoot.