19 Things You Probably Missed From WWE Raw (Feb 11)

Four Horsewomen, gutterballs, Macho Madness, and insider references aplenty...

By Jamie Kennedy /


It's offish, the super-popular Becky Lynch has had her super-rebellious ass removed from the Raw Women's Title match at WrestleMania 35 and she'll instead watch old pal Charlotte Flair tangle with Ronda Rousey. Vince McMahon himself made the call, and he's decided to suspend 'The Man' for 60 days.


Or, maybe this is all part of some elaborate ploy to cause a schism between the McMahons so Vince can also bring back Batista for a 'Mania 35 match with Triple H?

This is WrestleMania season, don't forget. It's typically the most unpredictably exciting period of the year, and that excitement has even turned the usual three-hour marathons on Raw into a fun-filled sprint. New Tag-Team Champs, insider references aplenty and ring jackets so cool it's a wonder they weren't stolen.


In this very article, you'll find 19 little nuances, easter eggs and plot points you might've missed from Monday's show. There were enough implied plugs for stables from the 90s to keep the nWo B-team and D-Generation X alumni in business for years.

It was all a little 'Too Sweet'...
