19 Things You Probably Missed From WWE Raw (May 3)

WWE literally shoves roses up a wrestler's ass; Raw rips off a gimmick; AJ Styles ribs the writers.

By Jamie Kennedy /

Angel Garza Drew Gulak Rose Ass

Nobody tunes into a wrestling show expecting to see someone get flowers shoved up their ass.


That's what happened to poor Drew Gulak on this week's episode of Raw. WWE booked Angel Garza to soundly thump Daniel Bryan's old training partner in a two-minute squash, then humiliate him. Garza rammed the rose he carries down the back of Gulak's tights and...yes, up his now-thorny butt.

That's not one of 19 things you probably missed from the flagship though.


WWE also invited you to delight in "big bastards", enough ECW references to keep a smile on Paul Heyman's face, cross-eyed monsters, other hilarious facial expressions and more. Eva Marie returned on Raw too, but her Diva-licious comeback is sneakily stealing from an old NXT gimmick that many likely don't even remember.

Beyond that, AJ Styles ribbed the creative team, Kofi Kingston almost broke his tailbone, Riddle nearly squashed Elias' head, Bobby Lashley got frustrated with the referee during Raw's main event and Dana Brooke decided to fly straight up in the air for no particular reason.


Here's everything you might've missed from Monday's latest...