20 Former WWE Stars Who Should Enter A Gimmick Battle Royal At WrestleMania 37

This would be way more fun than the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal.

By Will Cashmore /

WrestleMania 37 will be the 20 year anniversary of WrestleMania X-Seven, aka the greatest Showcase Of The Immortals there ever will be. On that historic night, after the madness of TLC II, we were treated to the first ever Gimmick Battle Royal.


With a match duration of just over three minutes, 19 of the then-WWF’s most famously strange gimmick acts from past eras, such as Doink The Clown, Jim Cornette and The Bushwhackers competed in an over the top rope battle royal. Hell, even the goddamn Gobbeldy Gooker showed up. Won by The Iron Sheik, the match was an inspired idea which added its own endearing element, on an already stacked ‘Mania card.

It didn’t overstay its welcome, allowed fans to recharge after the grueling spectacular that was TLC II, and celebrated some of WWE’s greatest oddball acts from years gone by. Also, fans at home watching on PPV were treated to brilliantly entertaining commentary by Bobby ‘The Brain’ Heenan and Gene Okerlund, who called the match in hilarious fashion.

With the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal adding no value besides giving lower card wrestlers a WrestleMania payday, the Gimmick Battle Royal could be the perfect palate cleanser on a marathon ‘Mania card. With that in mind, these 20 former characters would be worthy blasts from the past…

20. King Booker

Here Yee, Here Yee it is I, King BOOKA!!!


The five-time, five-time, FIVE-time (get the picture) WCW World Champion Booker T had somewhat of an underwhelming early WWE career. Particularly, he is best remembered during this period for losing that WrestleMania 19 match with Triple H, amidst the controversial feud where The Game tyrannically proclaimed that people like Booker were only employed to dance for people like him.

Yikes, that’s enough of that.

It was only after years in midcard purgatory that Booker finally received his crowning achievement by winning the 2006 King Of The Ring Tournament, and soon after the World Heavyweight Championship. With this, he ascended on the run of his career as King Booker, a pompous English king with his Queen Sharmell in tow. It was a brilliant gimmick, which completely revitalized The Book Man. Not to mention, his character was one of the few times WWE successfully integrated comedy into a main event act during the Ruthless Aggression Era.

Most recently, King Booker donned his royal robe on a 2018 SmackDown episode in a segment with The New Day who had just won their fifth Tag Team Championship, because five time.

WWE loves busting out Booker for a Spinaroonie now and then, and a royal roonie on the Grandest Stage of Them All wouldn't go astray.
