20 Greatest Wrestling Physiques
Apparently bigger IS better.
Bodies. We all have 'em. According to science, you only have one, and if you lose it: you die.
So it's important to take good care of them, treat them right. Does it matter how they look? Not really, so long as they're healthy; it's what's inside that counts.
Unless you're a professional wrestler, for whom the rules are completely reversed. Whatever is happening in your innards is irrelevant, so long as you have it all going on on the outside. It really is the key to success; nothing makes a double-ax handle or an armbar more effective than a physique bursting at the seams with pure muscle.
Rock-hard abs, perfect pecs, bounteous biceps: they're historical crucial for the would-be superstar. Not everyone can have it all. These chaps did though. Bastards.
20. Hercules
Was WWF's resident chain-swinger named after the legendary Greek hero, or was it the other way around? Hercules' labours certainly paid off, leaving him with a buff body as wide as it was tall.