20 Iconic Images Of Triple H You Need To See

From the rich snob to the Degenerate to The Authority, Triple H has done it all.

By John Canton /

This Sunday night at Survivor Series, Team Authority battles Team Cena in the main event with a lot on the line. If Team Authority loses then they will no longer have the power in WWE. If Cena's team loses then his team will be fired. Wrestling fans don't really buy stipulations like that, so we'll see how things go come Monday, but as of right now there's a possibility that WWE is going to write out Triple H and Stephanie McMahon as the main heels in their storyline. Triple H has been on WWE television fairly regularly since he started in the company in 1995. He was in WCW before that, so he's been on our television screens regularly for the past twenty years. Whether you like him or don't, you have to respect him for everything he's accomplished in his career that will lead to him being inducted in WWE's Hall of Fame whenever he wants to get inducted. He wrestled a few times in 2014 with his biggest match taking place at WrestleMania 30 against Daniel Bryan. He also wrestled in six man tags along with Batista and Randy Orton in matches that they lost against The Shield, which set up the big angle of the year when Seth Rollins turned on his Shield buddies. It's actually a surprise that Hunter's not wrestling at Survivor Series just because of what's at stake. Hunter's future in WWE is as an executive in the company. He's a key member of talent relations, he runs the developmental system and he is the right hand man of Vince McMahon when it come to the creative aspects of the company. He's done a lot in WWE and will continue to do a lot in WWE for the next 20 years or however long he wants to do it for. Here's a closer look at Hunter's career through 20 iconic images (with a few bonuses) from the time he started on WWE in 1995 to the present day as the man behind The Authority.