20 Most Insane Wrestling Spots Of The Week (Jan 10)

Someone should buy Ishii and Shibata tickets to that new Will Smith movie.

By Mitch Nickelson /

There's been an overload of wrestling in the past week. New Japan Pro Wrestling put on their biggest show of the year, Wrestle Kingdom 10, filled with at least three matches that flirted near the 5 star range. Shows like that make this task of compiling weekly wrestling highlights incredibly easy. One Luchador was thrown like a projectile, an Olympic gold medalist suplexed an entire tag team, and Mandrews successfully used a skateboard as a setup to a swinging headscissors. All of those moves and more will be highlighted in the 20 most insane spots of the week...

20. Razor's Edge To The Outside

Cody Hall wasn't technically in the opening IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Tag Team Title match at Wrestle Kingdom 10, but he wasn't going to pass up a chance to help out his Bullet Club buddies. When the Young Bucks had the ref's attention diverted, Hall inserted himself into the action. Ricochet was the victim of his assault as he was launched from inside of the ring onto a mass of people on the outside. His involvement made an impact as Matt and Nick Jackson went on to win the titles in the match.