20 Most Insane Wrestling Spots Of The Week (Jan 31)

Featuring a TNA zombie attack!

By Mitch Nickelson /

It was mentioned on social media this week by Pro Wrestling Guerrilla's Excalibur that we're currently living in "a literal renaissance" of professional wrestling. After spending months on end scouring dozens of hours a week of programming for the absolute best spots found inside the squared circle, I'd have to say he's right. This is a great time to be a wrestling fan. Evidence for the renaissance can be found this week in a plethora of promotions. WWE's Dean Ambrose and Kevin Owens offered the most moments worth rewatching. Michael Elgin appears twice, notably from two different promotions on two continents. And then there's that TNA zombie. I'm not hating on her, but she definitely needs to be seen. First up this week is some man on woman violence from Lucha Underground...

20. A Spear For Catrina

Lucha Underground's inaugural main event for its second season featured LU Champion Mil Muertes defending his title against Ivelisse. It was a mostly one-sided affair with a few very dramatic hope spots peppered along the way. One such spot was when Mil attempted a spear, missing his intended target. He accidentally connected with Catrina instead, then got caught up with a rollup by Ivellise for two. Ivelisse did not win this match but it was very entertaining to root for her during the battle.