20 Most Puzzling Vince McMahon Photos Ever

Is this really any way for a billionaire to behave?

By Lewis Howse /

Vince McMahon is a perplexing fella. There aren't many billionaires who would allow themselves to be physically abused and humiliated like Vince has in the past. Vince would oftentimes be attending stockholder meetings during the day and being Stone Cold stunnered at night. But that's just the way that Vince McMahon is wired. Nobody in WWE works harder or loves the business more than Vince. Everyone who has encountered Vince says that he's a workaholic and barely has time to sleep. Yet he still has time to hit the gym on a regular basis and pump up his impressive physique. Depending on who you talk to, you're going to get a different account of Vince. He's a very hard worker, that much everyone agrees on. To some, like son-in-law Triple H he's a 'giant goof' or an 'idiot' but to others, like those unfortunate enough to have suffered his wrath, he's the most intimidating person in the world. Vince is a businessman, a family man, an entertainer and an entrepreneur. He's the greatest wrestling promoter of all time yet, when he's tried his hand at anything other than sports entertainment, he's failed. He's one of the most unathletic people to step into a wrestling ring, but he's had countless entertaining matches. Look no further than these photos for evidence of Vince's puzzling persona.