20 Most Revealing AEW Instagram Posts Of The Week (Jan 17)

What have our favourite AEW stars been getting up to on Instagram this week?

By Gareth Morgan /


As AEW closed out their year-opening two-night New Year's Smash spectacular, fans were bracing themselves for a night that had the makings of something rather special.


PAC and Eddie Kingston got things started by treating each other like a piece of meat in dire need of tenderising. Then Chuck Taylor found himself in the unenviable position of having to pretty much be Miro's butler after falling to 'The Best Man'.

This was merely the beginning of a night filled with swerves and star-making turns, though. AEW World Champion Kenny Omega soon joined up with 'The Elite', or at least his unexpected Good Brother version of it, in a winning appearance against The Varsity Blondes and Danny Limelight. FTR and Jurassic Express put on a thrilling tag team tussle. And Tay Conti gave a career-best performance during her unsuccessful attempt to prise the NWA Women's Championship from Serena Deeb's grasp.


This was all leading to the undisputed highlight of the night, however, a match containing two deeply contrasting but equally impressive individuals. During his TNT Championship title defence against the monstrous Brian Cage, Darby Allin exhibited as much heart as he did pure insanity, finding himself on the receiving end of one particularly horrific table bump from the ring to the outside area.

He'd ultimately keep hold of his belt thanks to his pal/role model Sting intercepting interference in the closing stages. But if Allin's Instagram account is anything to go by, this war more than took its toll on the defending TNT Champ.


Oh, and Aubrey Edwards' cat is always hungry...