20 Wrestling Gimmicks That Double As Great Halloween Costumes

How to show off your love of wrestling while keeping in the creepy Halloween spirit.

By David Oxford /

Halloween is almost here, and what better way to celebrate than by simultaneously showing off your love for the fine art of professional wrestling than by dressing up as a mat warrior yourself? Of course, anyone can throw on some jorts and a color-coordinated eye assault from the John Cena Fall Collection and start shouting "The Champ is here!" instead of "Trick or Treat!" But besides the fact you're probably too... let's just say "sophisticated" for such an approach, the fact is that there are a lot of wrestlers whose gimmicks- and thus, associated attire- are perfectly suited to the holiday in question, thereby allowing you to proudly put your appreciation of wrestling on display while also fitting the more macabre spirit of All Hallows' Eve. While this list will attempt to rank the best choices to dress as for Halloween, it shouldn't be considered a hard guideline. Besides the fact that time and budgets will play into everyone's decision, let's face it: If everyone reading this list were to show up to the same party as the number-one pick, it would be a pretty dull party. Rather, allow this list to get your creative juices flowing as you consider the possibilities available at or near your fingertips. Do what feels right. And yes, while there are many, many wrestlers who have creative outfits and attire which would indeed make terrific Halloween costumes (good luck getting a Vader mastodon helmet on such short notice, though), these are specifically the ones which would look at home among legions of vampires and werewolves, mummies and monsters, and other such things that go bump in the night.