20 WTF Moments From TNA Impact (August 26)

Did TNA just kill off Bully Ray? And his attacker is finally revealed...

By Jack Pooley /

No, don't be alarmed, Bully Ray is very much alive in real life. This week's Impact finally started the wheels turning for a TNA-GFW invasion storyline, and served up one genuine surprise that many fans may not have seen coming. As ever, Josh Matthews' commentary was ear-assaultingly awful, EC3's mic skills were off the chain, about half the decisions wrestlers made didn't make any sense, and of course, the Knockouts were again wildly misused. It may not have been a great Impact overall this week, but it ended memorably and will certainly leave fans eager to see how things play out leading to Bound for Glory, where Jeff Jarrett will hopefully take advantage of the GFW storyline's major potential. Here are 20 WTF moments from this week's Impact...

20. The Ridiculous "Will Dixie Let Jeff Jarrett Take Over Impact?" Dilemma

In this week's opening video package, a graphic ponders whether Dixie Carter will accept Jeff Jarrett's proposal to become TNA's new General Manager in the wake of Bully Ray's beat-down several weeks ago. It's ridiculous because there's not really any doubt over what choice Dixie's going to make, with Jarrett inevitably reinserting himself back into the TNA picture. Later on in the show, Josh Matthews and The Pope desperately try to sell the uncertainty of Dixie's decision, and every second of air time they devote to doing so is completely wasted as a result. Yes, things took an unexpected turn at the eleventh hour (but more on that later), but Dixie clearly didn't have much of a dilemma to deal with.