20 WTF Moments From TNA Impact (Oct 14)

TNA Impact...sponsored by Tinder?

By Jack Pooley /

TNA's Impact Wrestling continues to be a weekly fascination for wrestling fans, all the more so because the company has resorted to using 3-month-old tapings to fill gaps in their schedule and cobble together a World Title tournament. With that knowledge, Impact is only more curious to watch, a bizarre mess in which continuity is frequently flung out the window and viewers simply wonder what peculiar logical blip is going to show up next. The wrestling itself is still fine, of course, though the sheer amount of filler material makes it clear that TNA are struggling to get through this patch, ahead of their upcoming TV tapings in India and the UK. Nobody wants to see the company die, but they're painting a pretty depressing image right now, one that's unaided by some slapdash production issues to boot. You can't look away through the hilarious, weird and occasionally awesome moments, so here are 20 WTF moments from this week's TNA Impact Wrestling...

20. Josh Calls Pope "The Most Entertaining Commentator In The Business"

As this week's show kicks off, Josh Matthews and The Pope are in front of that gaudy green screen imagery once again, as Josh introduces himself before referring to The Pope as "the most entertaining commentator in the business". Whether he's being serious or joking (proper the former considering that Pope didn't at all react to it), it's cringe-worthy either way.