20 WTF Moments From TNA Impact (Sept 16)

Drew "Leonidas" Galloway, EC3 trolls Jeff Hardy some more, and Bigfoot makes a guest appearance...

By Jack Pooley /

With the news this week that Destination America has seemingly "cancelled" Impact Wrestling and reportedly given TNA until February to find a new network, they really need to start pulling out the stops to prove to potential business partners that they're still worth dealing with. Sadly, this week's show did pretty much anything but that: it was a highly padded two hours, and even the widely-advertised main event couldn't do much to spark excitement. That said, all the usual weirdness still showed up in shades, from EC3 and Jeff Hardy's entertaining shenanigans, to Mahabali Shera's terrible dancing and more outrageously bad commentary zingers from Josh Matthews. Can TNA bring the sinking ship to shore before it's too late? Or is this week's news just the latest announcement in the company's long, drawn-out death? Whatever happens, here are 20 WTF moments from this week's Impact...

20. That Totally Pointless Contract Signing

Impact kicked off this week with a wildly pointless segment in which Dixie Carter and Jeff Jarrett signed the contracts for the Lethal Lockdown main event later on in the show, in which the winner gained control of TNA. Each of them gave a generic "statement" before signing, and on the whole this just seemed like a boring waste of time, eating up more than 10 minutes of the show's time, when a match would've been much more satisfying. Is there any reason this signing wasn't done before the show? What if one of them suddenly bailed from signing at the last minute?