20 WWE Rumours About The Undertaker That Proved To Be Bulls**t

Remember when The Undertaker supposedly had cancer?

By Grahame Herbert /

The Undertaker is WWE's most fascinating character, and the mysteries around both his private and television personas has inevitably caused many rumours over the years. Fans just love to gossip about the deadman, even though the majority of rumours about him are pure bull****. Everything from his backstage personality to incidents in the locker room, there's been a ton of stories about Mark Calaway over the years. Dirtsheets would often report on stories that related to things like near-retirements or life threatening injuries. A lot of the time, it was pure BS. Even his personal life has turned into open-game for the rumourmongers. There really has been some far-out wacky stories, which will be exposed in this rumour-busting feature.

20. Hulk Hogan Got Undertaker His Job In The WWF

Hulk Hogan has taken credit for getting The Undertaker a job with WWF, but like most things with The Hulkster, the claim is bull****. The fact is that Mark Calaway was unhappy in WCW and wasn't secured to a contract. As a great big guy, he was on the WWF's radar, and they signed him to a deal for a major character role. Hogan's version of events is that he filmed Suburban Commando with Calaway in 1990, then went to Vince and told him that they had to sign the seven footer. But that's just Hogan looking to steal some credit for The Undertaker's fabulous career. He started the rumour that he was the one who brought Taker into the WWF, but the reality is that Mark Calway had been scouted and signed before any recommendation Hogan may or may not have given. Think about it this way, do you really think Hogan was keen to bring in a guy as physically big as himself?