22 Things We Learned From Big Show On Talk Is Jericho

A giant-sized episode with a giant-sized performer.

By Brad Hamilton /

Big Show, along with Kane, are probably the two most derided and criticized performers on the entire WWE roster. It isn't entirely their fault, it's more so the fact that over a decade and a half since they rose to prominence within the company they're still occupying valuable TV time and playing roles that many fans feel would be better served going to other workers. The audience has created this perception of Big Show as an egotistical veteran who is clinging onto his spot for dear life, and this interview goes a long way in dispelling that notion. Paul Wight doesn't seem to care all that much about losing as long as he's telling a good story, and you're about to read how he calls out the short-sighted process behind WWE creative for their lack of continuity and cohesive narrative. Show is a funny, charming guy with a great attitude and upon listening to this interview it becomes easy to understand why WWE keeps him around. He has a lot of experience and knowledge to pass on the young guys. Blame Vince and company if they aren't allowing him to do so. Big Show isn't holding anyone back. He's just doing what's asked of him. If you're one of those detractors, read on for an enjoyable interview with an affable guy that just might change your opinion.