23 WTF Moments From WWE Raw (Jan 9)

Well, that's a weight off Roman's shoulders!

By WhatCulture /

Cast your minds back to Clash Of Champions in September, 2016. Standing proud like some kind of majestic lion of Samoan heritage, Roman Reigns was the new WWE United States Champion. Beating poor Rusev to win the gold, Reigns was sickened at the prospect of carrying around a lump of metal for the next few months.


Despite his best efforts, the WWE creative team just wouldn't let him drop it back to the Bulgarian at Hell In A Cell the next month. Those creative types, eh? Just what are they like? Don't they know anything about creative control? If Reigns wants to lose the title, he bloody well can.

What's that you say? Why would Roman want to drop the belt? Well, analyse most editions of Monday Night Raw and the 'Big Dog' was a tad forgetful. Most of the time, he didn't even bother to bring the title with him when smouldering his way to ringside.

It's all good now though, Reigns doesn't need to worry about a thing.

'WTF', we hear you cry. Fitting, because here are all the WTF moments from Raw...

23. Repeat After Me

New era, same old crap.


That's right, WWE's creative team were tired of seeing Roman Reigns face either Kevin Owens or Chris Jericho, So, in their infinite wisdom, those brainboxes decided to have Reigns go up against both men on this week's Raw.

Somehow, Stephanie McMahon still had the temerity to complain about sagging ratings.
