25 Most Revealing WWE Instagram Posts Of The Week (24th Jan)

"For everyone that's always wanted to see me naked..."

By Simon Gallagher /

If professional wrestling has taught us anything, it's that anything can happen in Royal Rumble week: TNA could release a statement claiming that they actually signed AJ Styles last year but he backed out of the deal. That would really have been something. It's not all been that weird of course: NXT made another big name signing (much to TNA's delight no doubt), Bray Wyatt finally seemed to be getting back on track and Daniel Bryan offered further assurances that he's clear to wrestle. And with continued rumours that Styles will debut at the Royal Rumble (despite the best efforts of whoever put that statement out), Triple H has emerged as the odds on favourite for the event. All in all, a big week, just as it should be. So with a special remit to focus on the weird, the wonderful and the WTF of WWE (and its former contracted stars), this weeks' column mostly avoids the Royal Rumble build-up for something more strange and beautiful. Like the sight of a ridiculously ripped former Diva showing off her miraculously polished backside for a "body building" photoshoot. This was the week in WWE Instagram...

25. Perfect Timing

Try telling Wade Barrett that a Brogue Kick to the head doesn't really hurt.