25 Most Revealing WWE Instagram Posts Of The Week (Jun 15)

Which WWE legends photobombed a member of NXT's Mount Rushmore on Instagram this week?

By Gareth Morgan /


Proving how not even the presence of a live crowd can save NXT from feeling like a hollow shell of its former self at this moment in time, Karrion Kross walked out of Sunday's TakeOver: In Your House event still your NXT Champion to the sound of a largely apathetic CWC. And as it goes, it isn't just the fans who are fed up with all things black and gold; William Regal also seems to be at his wits end and promised change come Tuesday night. And rest assured, if that change doesn't come in the form of a Samoan Submission Machine, all hope may just be lost in the once-adored developmental show forever...


But, it isn't all doom and gloom in the land of WWE right now. Roman Reigns is still single-handedly making SmackDown one of the most watchable products in wrestling today, launching Mysterios into next week and constantly manipulating his family members into doing his bidding to the sound of deafening boos.wav.

Raw on the other hand seems to have found itself caught in one of those infinite time-loop situations once again as Charlotte Flair and Nikki Cross, Rhea Ripley and Asuka, Jaxson Ryker and Elias, Jeff Hardy and Cedric Alexander, all played out in front of our eyes for what feels like the trillionth time on Monday night. If only they had some fresh or underused faces to call upon, eh? In other news, Eva Marie trolled the world once more by claiming a victory without actually lifting a finger, because banter.


If WWE programming has taught us anything over the last year and half, it's that even when the weekly TV offerings from the promotion fall offensively flat with an alarming consistency, the talented folks signed to the company always find a way to deliver something compelling come PPV time. And with Hell in a Cell squirming its way into existence on Sunday, here's how your favourite stars have been getting in the mood for a typically destructive night of action on Instagram.

Spoiler: Sheamus may still be rehabbing in his garden...
