25 WTF Moments From TNA Impact (Sept 9)

Jeff Hardy: EC3 merchandise salesman...

By Jack Pooley /

As both Lethal Lockdown and Bound for Glory draw ever-closer, the TNA vs GFW feud is ramping up to be something that's potentially fascinating. Jeff Jarrett is back to playing a heel (where he easily looks the most comfortable), TNA's roster members are struggling to co-exist, and GFW are desperately trying to get a hold of as many of their titles as humanly possible. This week, while hardly a remarkable show, was a potent reminder of the storyline's potential, while also serving up more EC3 hilarity, all the more so given his newfound employment of Jeff Hardy as an assistant. In addition, Josh Matthews' painful commentary reached new highs of cringe, the show had clearly been stitched together from various different tapings, and viewers got treated to one of the most pointless Lumberjack matches in wrestling history. But hey, at least there weren't as many awful signs this week, so that's something, and short of a total disaster, next week's Lethal Lockdown should truly be something to see. Here are 25 WTF moments from this week's Impact Wrestling...

25. Josh Matthews Pretends He Can See EC3 On His Monitor

As Josh and The Pope introduce the fans to this week's Impact, Josh turns to his monitor and notes that EC3 is about to head to the ring, saying, "I can see him there in the locker room area, he's getting ready to head out." So, wait, do these guys have access to a security camera feed, or is there a cameraman just following wrestlers around for the benefit of Josh and Pope? Considering that these inserts are recorded weeks after all the in-ring action, t's clear as day that the monitor isn't even switched on...