3 WWE Stars Who Could Be As Successful As The Rock In Hollywood

By Siddharth Grover /

Wrestling and movies have always gone hand in hand. In fact, wresting has often been compared to a long movie. Movies and wrestling have a lot in common, if we notice: both present action, romance, thrill, suspense and many more emotions which makes our heart jump and melt at the same time. Movies have a wonderful impact on our lives and they influence us and our kids in various ways - and so does wrestling. I remember watching horror movies late at night and getting nightmares at night, but then, my brother introduced me to wrestling, and horror movies were replaced by Monday Night RAW's and Friday Night Smackdown. My nights had become interesting, and in the morning, I used to talk to my friends about wrestling. The Rock, one of wrestling's most famous stars, is one of Hollywood's most successful actor, and this makes me wonder: what if more WWE superstars get in movies? Then, I began thinking and got three names who can be successful actors in Hollywood.