4 Ups & 3 Downs From This Week's Impact Wrestling (Jan 18)

Can The LAX and oVe main event every week?

By Adam Morrison /

Impact Wrestling

If there's one thing you can count on from each episode of Impact Wrestling, it's that there will be at least one great match. This week's case was the main event tag match between old rivals The LAX and oVe. It brought back several great memories of their phenomenal rivalry but alas, it appears to have been a one-time thing as The LAX called out The Lucha Bros post-match. There you go - another great match confirmed for when it happens.


Elsewhere, Brian Cage's rampage rolls on as he continued to decimate anyone he so wished in a bid to earn another crack at Johnny Impact's World Championship. As good as it was, it probably won't be getting him a championship match anytime soon. Attacking people for no reason doesn't typically result in rewards.

As much as the action this week was entertaining, it wasn't an entirely great match because they're rare to find. Whether it's a story continuing despite having run its course or another story coming to a disappointing conclusion, it was a bit of a downhill episode. As mentioned though, the wrestling helped save the night from being completely terrible.


In short, the action this week was excellent for the most part while the stories being told weren't. Let's get to it...