4 Ups & 4 Downs From AEW Rampage (31 May - Results & Review)

Chris Jericho waved goodbye to AEW on Rampage. Or, part of it, at least!

By Jamie Kennedy /


Let the latest Rey Fenix singles push commence.


The Death Triangle man has been hampered by injuries throughout his AEW career, but maybe things can get back on track following Friday's Rampage. It was a good night for Rey, but he wasn't the only one who had his working boots on. Toni Storm, Viva Van, Konosuke Takeshita and Penta also showed up to put on clinics for the live crowd.

Speaking of which: Sure, it's an age old argument to suggest Tony Khan has to book smaller buildings, but the complete lack of atmosphere at some of these All Elite tapings is concerning. Putting 3,000 people in a 12-15,000 seat venue sucks. There's no way 3,000 can make enough noise to fill that cavernous space.


That's a logistical issue though. In-ring, Khan knows he can still rely on his roster to work solid matches aplenty. If only the boss focused on developing stories and characters over endless strings of 'oooh, shiny thing' booking when it comes to matches he fancies seeing any given week. He should meet his wrestlers halfway.

Perhaps the biggest news coming out of Rampage came from one Chris Jericho. He just waved goodbye. Sort of!
