4 Ups & 5 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Oct 9)

Splits and giggles.

By Jamie Kennedy /


WWE deserve a little patience to see if they can make night two of the 2020 Draft a bit more special, but SmackDown's first leg didn't do a lot to inspire hope. There was something totally underwhelming about the whole thing. At least they didn't repeat last year's "War Room" trick involving phoney execs from USA and FOX, right?


Small mercies count.

Typically, the company shot themselves in the foot before even holding the Draft. Then, still reeling from the pain, they took aim at the other limb before pausing and realising that they'd probably totally destroy the purpose of their upcoming shake-up if they pulled the trigger yet again.


Anyone looking for positives in amongst all this agonising monotony would've found it in the form of a surprisingly fun 'Falls Count Anywhere' opener. Those same folks might also enjoy that WWE added some new stips to Hell In A Cell and refused to give away some big time pay off before that pay-per-view.

Here are all the 'Ups' and the 'Downs' from another week of blue brand giggles at the ThunderDome...
