4 Ups & 9 Downs From Last Night's WWE Raw (Aug 30)

Priest, McIntyre, and Sheamus elevate an otherwise terrible episode of Raw as Flair and Jax shoot.

By Scott Carlson /


There comes a point for instructors and critics where you have to stop grading on a curve, because in the long run, it doesn’t help anyone. No one improves if they’re getting passing marks because expectations are low.


That has been the case with WWE Raw for quite some time now. The show has been subpar for a long time – well before the pandemic began – but it got some serious latitude during much of the Empty Arena Era. But now that we’re into month #2 of being back in front of a live crowd (and that it’s not the only game in town, so there’s something to compare it to), it’s time to start grading Raw as if it’s being run by the largest professional wrestling/sports entertainment juggernaut in the world.

Sorry to those who are loyal to the red brand, but this just isn’t a good show. If you’re just looking to tune out for three hours on a Monday night and aren’t worried about internal consistency, week-to-week logical booking or not having your intelligence insulted at times, then you probably disagree fiercely. That’s more than fine. Your mileage might vary.

But this episode typified the myriad issues afflicting Raw for quite a while, and they just bubbled over. Not even a few really good matches could save this show – though they’re worth checking out on their own.

Let’s get to it…