5 Ups & 2 Downs From This Week's Impact Wrestling (Oct 25)

Second championship main event in as many weeks highlights another good week for Impact.

By Adam Morrison /


Impact Wrestling's meteoric rise back to the top throughout 2018 continued this week with another stellar episode of weekly television, featuring the second main event to be contested for a championship in as many weeks.


Following on from the success that was last week's X-Division Championship marquee match, this week saw Johnny Impact defend the World Championship against Fenix. On paper, that match screams entertainment. When it played out, it more than lived up to its hype. The match could have easily been the main event of a pay-per-view.

Further down the card, we saw the continuation of Allie's journey into the darkness. The past few weeks, especially post-Bound For Glory, have seen the former Knockouts Champion develop a split personality, a story that has been excellent. It was a required change coming off the back of a repetitive storyline with Su Yung.


Speaking of repetitiveness, there was indeed some of that this week in the form of the seemingly neverending angle between Gama Singh and Rohit Raju. Alongside that, there was a slight bit of contradiction in the booking between Tessa Blanchard and Taya Valkyrie.

Was it the perfect episode? In terms of in-ring action, no. But when speaking about storyline and character development, it's up there. Let's get to it...
