5 Ups & 7 Downs From Last Night's WWE SmackDown (Apr 10)

Can you feel the constant heat?

By Benjamin Richardson /


It might not be 'the Raw the night after', but this Tuesday's SmackDown was still a wrestling show very close to WrestleMania, and the most recent one at that. And therefore, the most relevant.


Unlike the tradition which often stimulates though regularly spoils the red brand's after-party, the SmackDown post 'Mania is a touch less febrile, with an audience dog tired at the end of an absolute squared-circle marathon across a frankly excessive five days.

By this point, the fatigue is evident even amongst the performers, as demonstrated by a relatively low-key Last Night of the Wrestling Proms less about fervent flag waving and more switching the gears down a notch as things return to normal.


As such, we got a SmackDown which, although it had its share of surprises and a few talking points for futurity's sake, was in itself a mundane, almost calming, comedown on the rest of the week's occurrences. There was the most basic of main event conceits - repeated earlier in the show - bookending a string of mostly inconsequential matches (with one exception) and a set of promos which didn't necessarily bode well for the blue brand's direction.

At least things started off brilliantly. None of it matters mind; the whole WWE world shakes up next week.
