5 Ups And 9 Downs From Last Night's WWE Raw (Dec 10)
Rollins drops huge truth bomb while Raw continues to crater.

The first step toward fixing a problem is admitting you have a problem.
WWE writers achieved step one on Monday night, when Raw opened with Seth Rollins laying into acting GM Baron Corbin about the sad state of the program. Rollins laid out the poor morale, fan reactions and ratings as evidence of Corbin’s poor leadership, calling his tenure an “abject failure.”
While this is certainly true, it’s interesting to see real-life problems WWE is facing being used to criticize storyline bosses. God forbid they have Rollins saying that to someone who actually has her hands on the creative levers of the company… because that would be hitting too close to home.
Nevertheless, Raw took that one step forward Monday, and followed through by not having any Lucha House Rules matches or mentioning urination, so we’ll take those small victories. Still, Raw was a disappointing affair Monday, with mostly poor matches and uninspired setup for a go-home episode before TLC.
It could be that WWE is trying to wait out the holidays before an all-out course correction, but that doesn’t mean Raw gets a pass here. Monday’s episode was watchable, but it still fell short in several areas.
With that said, let’s get to it…