50 WTF Photos From The Undertaker's Career

Taker has been in some weird scenarios down the years...

By Ross Tweddell /

Can you remember being scared of The Undertaker when you were a child? Well, I'm about to demolish the memory of any nightmares you may have had about the Deadman. While Taker played the roles of the lifeless zombie, satanic overlord, and general Phenom of the WWE better than anyone could have imagined over 25-years ago, he has been put in a number of situations that prove he is nothing more than a sports entertainer - situations that serve as proverbial gimmick breakers, if you will. The seven-time world champion has proven what a consummate professional he is over the past quarter of a century, doing anything for the betterment of Vince McMahon's business. The following images - plus a number of storylines down the years - prove that Taker was never a man that took himself too seriously while many others around him did. Taker's humility is one of the main reasons he's been able to stay at the top of the business for so long. As runs of his ilk prove, not everything you do in the ring can be a hit. Sometimes professional wrestlers have to take the rough with the smooth, and while there's been plenty of silky smooth and epic moments during Undertaker's career, there have also been some moments that would have left the Brooklyn Brawler a little red in the face... Here are 50 WTF photos from The Undertaker's career.

50. Playtime

A young Undertaker takes some time out from sticking his fellow wrestlers into body bags to play with a Jake 'The Snake' Roberts cuddly toy...

49. Backstage

A very rare look at Taker backstage following a match.