6 Crazy Wrestling Revelations That Were Confirmed Under Oath

The truth hurts

By Michael Hamflett /

Since the procedure was first outed by various autobiographies and shoot interviews in the early-2000s, 'Wrestler's Court' became the preserve of legendary backstage stories between those accused of various crimes against locker room etiquette and the judges and juries that sentenced them.


Well, 'legendary' if you can stomach hazing and ritualistic bullying with your beer-bets and banter.

Indeed, the process often cut a little bit too close to the bone, with talk of tears and tantrums at some of the rulings dished out for ostensibly small infractions. It was unsettlingly unsurprising - the method of policing was just one of the ways Vince McMahon himself allowed a select group of trusted enforcers to keep his adult athletes in child-like cheque.

Such inconsistency doesn't fly in actual court despite the jumped-up authority assumed by The Undertaker, John 'Bradshaw' Layfield et al, but it hasn't stopped their brothers-in-spandex playing the pr*cks once in a while. 'The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth' is the usual oath taken, but the revelations spewing forth from inherently ridiculous men that have spent a life working in an inherently ridiculous business are, as a result, utterly absurd.

6. Punk Is A Chick Magnet

CM Punk and Colt Cabana could both do without all this.


Punk will enter the Octagon for the second time at UFC225 having endured lengthy days in court listening - and at times contributing - to reams of evidence collected to disprove comments he made during his explosive 'Art Of Wrestling' podcast two-parter in late-2014.

Cabana - the unfortunate friend holding the microphone - needs it even less. Taking a break from his typically-busy independent schedule, 'Boom Boom's had something of a bomb dropped on him by the case, and could stand to take a further financial hammering should the pair lose the defamation suit against WWE's staff medic Dr Chris Amann.

Alleging bouts of emotional and physical negligence that included a serious allegation of gross incompetence by Dr. Amann, it's a heavy subject with an equally weighty outcome whichever way the judge decides. The light relief afforded by two key court-poppers has thus been very welcome.

Ever the interferer at the worst of times in WWE, Kane's assertion that he eliminated Punk from the 2014 Royal Rumble "accidentally" drew laughs from the 'Straight Edge Superstar' himself, before the 'Voice Of The Voiceless' was forced to verbalise the silliest period of his entire career for public record. Electing to answer 'Chick Magnet' based on the daft origins of his 'CM' moniker, Punk committed the gag handle to legal history. Expect ProWrestlingTees to be his wingmen with that one if those legal fees do need recouping.
