6 Jobs That WWE Must Create

By Chris Harrington /

With the stock at an all-time high, and the lucrative prospect of a huge television rights deal, WWE is at the brink of enormous financial success. With their newfound cash, so the company can continue to grow and evolve, here€™s six positions that I believe WWE should investing in. WWE already is the top pro-wrestling company in the world. They hold expansive (and expensive) live tours, produce hours of weekly global television and run a state-of-the-art streaming service. To continue to be a world leader, and more importantly, become the innovative entertainment company they envision, WWE needs to create several cutting-edge jobs. These positions will set WWE up for success down the line. These are not mission-critical jobs. WWE won't cease tomorrow because they don't create these positions. However, as the top player in their marketplace, WWE is maxing out in terms of how much buzz they can generate and how many fans they can keep year after year. They need to begin investing in ideas which are a outside-the-box. They need to look for ways that they can identify new stars (in new areas), captivate and retain subscribers to their streaming service and find new ways to convince advertisers that WWE is worth their investment.