6 Reasons Eva Marie Will Be An Awesome WWE Divas Champion

Eva Marie is moving up, are you ready?

By Joshua Gagnon /

Last week, a rumour via the Wrestling Observer trickled out that Eva Marie was in line for a big push, initially in NXT, and eventually on WWE's main roster. Eva has been with the WWE since 2013 and for much of her career has been considered a laughing stock among wrestling fans. Most of her time has been spent on E's reality show Total Divas and on the cover of Fitness magazines. The few times she was actually in the ring was basically a disaster thanks to her robotic personality and inexperience inside the squared circle.


After a few years of this it sounds like Eva is finally taking her pro wrestling career seriously by putting a lot more effort in the ring and on the mic. Over the past few months, she's spent some time working with former WWE wrestler, Brian Kenderick, showing off her improved skills via multiple videos on Instagram. Her TV appearances on NXT have increased steadily with a possible match at NXT Takeover: Brooklyn.

So now that she's getting the training, has the looks, the support, and potentially the skills to make it to the top; are you ready for Eva Marie...NXT Women's and/or Divas Champion? The mere thought of that just six months ago was laughable, but the times they are a changin' for Ms. "All Red Everything".

6. Exposure From Total Divas

Alongside only Natalya and The Bella Twins, Eva Marie has been a part of the cast in every single season of Total Divas. Her stories about marriage, family, jealousy from other Divas, and learning the wrestling business have kept her firmly aboard WWE's reality show.


That's 4 seasons of - give or take - 1 million viewers each week without actually wrestling. Thanks to this exposure, she's been able to build both a fan and anti-fan base that most women in the WWE are unable to attain in their first few years.

Working on the show has slowly helped Eva with her acting skills; since much of the show is scripted. In season one, she could barely function backstage; always nervous, giggling, or lying - by saying she could dance - to get an on-screen opportunity. Now she seems much more comfortable in front of the cameras and all this practice should go a long ways towards her live TV appearances.
