6 Ups & 6 Downs From AEW Dynamite (Jul 29)

Matt Cardona and Ariane debut on an uncharacteristically flat show.

By Andy H Murray /


AEW Dynamite's energy, atmosphere, and exuberance are its biggest selling points. This is typically a bright, colourful wrestling show teeming with life, where freedom of expression crushes sterility and "boring" doesn't exist, regardless of the show's quality.


This wasn't the case last night. A flat atmosphere permeated the worst episode of Dynamite in weeks, accentuating the lows and taking the shine off the highs. This made for an uncharacteristically laborious viewing experience despite the episode playing host to several newsworthy events, including two debuts, a Tag Team Title match, and a huge Inner Circle ten-man tag.

Jerich led his mob into battle against Best Friends, Orange Cassidy, and Jurassic Express, while The Dark Order's Stu Grayson and Evil Uno challenged Kenny Omega and Hangman Page. Elsewhere, indie standout Warhorse jumped up from the underground to face TNT Champion Cody, Jon Moxley teamed with Darby Allin to meet Brian Cage and Ricky Starks, and MJF delivered his "State of the Industry" address.


The Ups-to-Downs ratio in the title should tell you that this wasn't a bad show, though some elements of it definitely didn't work. Let's light the fuse...