6 Ups And 8 Downs From WWE Raw (Jan 6)

Uneven first episode features good action, horrid Lesnar announcement.

By Scott Carlson /


Raw kicked off the new decade Monday night with an uneven show that delivered in some areas, but fell short in several others.


The episode featured two title matches that were chock full of action, which typically would be enough to carry a show without any major missteps. On the heels of a SmackDown that featured three big returns, Raw boasted one of its own. Throw in advancing some storylines and Raw’s positives were certainly notable.

However, Raw kicked off with a huge negative, with Brock Lesnar and his advocate dropping a bombshell that just bombed. It left you with more questions than anything else, and also was just a confusing announcement. From there, some segments just didn’t click like they should have, leaving things lacking.


It’s fair to say that the elements are there for a really good run for WWE on the red brand, but the pieces aren’t all falling into place. We’ll get a few good moments, some doozies and some head-scratchers. You want them to be successful in putting it all together, but they can’t seem to pull the trigger properly.

Oh well, one Raw down for 2020, 50-some to go. With that said, let’s get to it…
