7 New Programmes Coming Soon To WWE Network

More reasons to subscribe?

By David Cambridge /

WWE has announced that a raft of new programming will soon be added to the Network, after dropping an exciting promotional trailer during Friday's Hall of Fame ceremony.


For most of us, this kind of content is little more than a bonus, supplementing the primary reason we're each prepared to line Vince McMahon's pockets to the tune of £9.99 each month (namely, the promise of every single pay-per-view being available to watch live).

But some of it is well worth keeping an eye on. Just as WWE has improved the quality of its production in the ring over recent years, it's also began to create genuinely compelling TV programming out of it* - from candid documentaries taking fans behind the curtain to scripted comedy shows starring yesteryear favourites.

If you're into wrestling (and, since you're reading this, that's a strong possibility), then the chances are you'll be able to find something in the upcoming schedule that you'll enjoy. And, even if you can't, it's probably worth holding onto that subscription anyway: the post-WrestleMania pay-per-views might actually be half-decent this year.

*Needless to say, this does not extend to the output of WWE Studios.

7. WWE 24 - Featuring The Hardys, Ronda Rousey, Et Al.

A couple of decades ago, it would have been almost inconceivable that WWE would one day produce a programme in which its wrestlers are actively encouraged to drop their on-screen personas and discuss their lives away from the ring.


Nothing about this is novel in 2018, but upcoming episodes of WWE 24 promise to be even more candid than usual, with one instalment focusing on the Hardy Boyz as they settle back into life in the world's biggest wrestling promotion.

Surprisingly, this even includes Jeff sitting in front of the cameras for a frank discussion about that appearance at Victory Road in 2011. Whether TNA is explicitly mentioned isn't clear, but footage from his time in the Impact Zone is definitely used.

Another episode follows Ronda Rousey's preparation for her debut in the squared circle, the former UFC star having been by far the most prominently featured man or woman in the trailer. For anyone interested in the process of learning the wrestling ropes, this one ought to be required viewing.
