7 Possible Culprits Behind The Recent WWE TV Glitches

The recent glitches on SmackDown have the entire WWE Universe buzzing, but who could be behind them?

By Saam Hasan /

Recently, WWE have begun teasing us with one of those mysterious storylines where there is a recurring thing happening on TV for a number of weeks, without any possible explanation as to what it means or who could be behind it. This time, Vince and co. have done a surprisingly good job at presenting the angle, as the delivery has been based on subtlety and not bashing the audience over the head with.


For a number of weeks, people watching SmackDown on their screens have seen random glitches distort the video quality once or twice during the show. The initial guess would have been it was another manifestation of Bray Wyatt’s ever expanding list of superpowers. But as the shows progressed, neither commentators mentioned these glitches nor would they be implicated in any of Bray’s promos or segments.

The rumour mill has since been spinning furiously as to who could be behind these glitches. Could it be a returning superstar? Could it be a sensational debut? Of course, the expectations do need to be tempered slightly given so many of WWE’s storylines end up in Randy Orton’s hometown of Nowhere.

But, since WWE have bothered to give us this juicy narrative thread to feast upon, we would only be doing ourselves an injustice by letting cynicism bog us down. Who could be behind these glitches? Here are seven possible answers.

7. CM Punk

Right, so apologies straight away because, oh boy, here we go with this. And we know all too well that no matter how much we dream or pray, the chances of Cult of Personality resonating through a WWE arena don’t seem to get any better.


With all that being said however, the bridges that were burned do appear to have been rebuilt to a degree. Sure, Punk is a Fox employee and not a WWE one, but it’s still a WWE based show, a WWE product that he works for.

More importantly perhaps, we all remember the iconic cable disruption sound that used to signal the beginning of Punk’s arrival don’t we? Cable distortions, glitches - a possible connection? Given the amount of time WWE are apparently willing to take building this up, it could be very well be something as big as the return of the Voice of the Voiceless.

Yeah, you’re right: probably not gonna happen.
