7 Things We Learned From Paul Heyman On The Lost Episode Of The Steve Austin Show
Find out why Stone Cold deemed this the "lost episode"...
Over the course of the last year, Paul Heyman has proven himself to be one of the most captivating and informative guests to hit the wrestling podcast circuit. His talks with Steve Austin have been enjoyable as two friends and fans of the business sit around shooting the breeze, while his two-part appearance on Talk Is Jericho alongside Edge is regarded as one of the best podcast interviews yet. Following SummerSlam 2014, Heyman recorded an episode of The Steve Austin Show that never aired due to Austin being disappointed with the result and requesting a do over where the two discussed everything from the art of the promo to Heymans personal and professional relationship with his client, Brock Lesnar, as well as the SummerSlam slaughterhouse of a match with John Cena. This week Austin uploaded the Heyman lost episode for the family friendly version of his show and listeners were treated to another great exchange between two of the greatest minds in the business. Heyman is a veritable book of knowledge when it comes to all things wrestling and is an incredibly compelling speaker. Since his return to the WWE in 2012 hes put on whats quite possibly the greatest and most consistent run of promos the business has ever seen, and that was one of the primary topics of this episode. Let's check out what we learned from the one behind the one in 21-1.