7 Things WWE Needs To Do In The Build For Payback

Let's hope it's more WrestleMania 31 than Extreme Rules.

By Jack G King /

It seems as though Extreme Rules has barely gone off air, but the WWE are already only two and a half weeks from their next PPV. Although one of the current no-gimmick PPVs with a largely uninspiring title and no discernible theme, Payback will perform a crucial role in the momentum of the promotion. While WrestleMania 31 was an unquestionable success (against all odds), the WWE seem to be sliding inexorably to their annual post-'Mania slump. Too often the company seems to go on auto-pilot until SummerSlam - and then again until the Royal Rumble - spending a large part of the year treading water in between big angles. Hopefully this time they are able to break the mould; they certainly look well-equipped to do so with a host of young, motivated stars and a series of existing, hot storylines to continue to play with. If Payback pulls one out of the bag, the disappointment of last month's Extreme Rules may well be forgotten and the WWE can continue to run on the energy generated by 'Mania. If not, however, it's difficult to see the booking team recovering from their seemingly yearly funk any time soon. Here are seven preparations that could be made to ensure Payback lives up to its fragile potential.