7 Ups & 1 Down From WWE SmackDown (Aug 19)

Sami Zayn = MVP; Ronda Rousey's 'Stone Cold' moment; SmackDown gets good.

By Jamie Kennedy /


1,200 episodes.


WWE has produced that many SmackDowns since the very first pilot edition aired back in April 1999. Michael Cole was there for it, and he was here in Montreal for the latest two-hour weekly. What's more, 'Mischievous' Mikey (surely his new nickname post-Vince McMahon) even dropped in an El Generico reference on commentary.

That, for fans who hang on every word and enjoy the tiniest details, was akin to the cherry on top of a cake - in-ring, Sami Zayn, Sheamus, Ricochet, Happy Corbin and Madcap Moss were putting on one hell of a Fatal-5-Way bout. Nobody who watched this week's show will be stunned to see that in the 'Ups' section either.


It was really good, but SmackDown was good generally. It was so enjoyable, in fact, that there's only one 'Down' to report, and it's hardly the biggest negative in the world of wrestling right now. Is Triple H slowly-but-surely restoring credibility to WWE's product after years of illogical booking and maddening moments?

He is, and this week's SmackDown is tangible proof of his team's efforts. Here's all the good and bad on WWE's latest sprint towards a stadium show.
