7 Ways To Make Sure Dean Ambrose Is A Successful WWE Champion

Ambrose is finally at the top of the mountain, but how can WWE make the most of the opportunity?

By John Bills /

Many speculated that it could happen, but how many truly believed it? Sure, plenty had Dean Ambrose winning the Money in the Bank ladder match, but ending the night as WWE World Heavyweight Champion? I know for sure that I didn't.


As the world awakes on June 20th 2016 that is the reality, however. Seth Rollins may have won the main event, but karma came back to haunt him as Ambrose cashed in and walked out with the title. As for deposed champion Roman Reigns, he is left to once again lament the existence of the Money in the Bank briefcase, as for the third time he has felt its wrath.

Wrestling doesn't stop, and what happens after a big moment is every bit as important as the moment itself. Dean Ambrose is the champion, and it is up to WWE to make sure his reign isn't a dud. Ambrose is the most organically-popular man on the roster, and his ascension provides the company with a real point in time to improve the currently tepid landscape.

So how to make sure Ambrose is a success as WWE Champion? The word 'success' there can be interpreted many ways, but it surely must mean that when Ambrose eventually loses the title everyone involved in the situation has benefited from his run on top.

Here are seven ways to ensure Dean Ambrose is a success as WWE World Heavyweight Champion.

7. Don't Hot Potato The Belt

I'll start with the most obvious of obvious points.


In order for Dean Ambrose to be a successful WWE World Heavyweight Champion, he can't drop the belt any time soon. Treated any championship like a hot potato only leads to that belt being devalued, and this being the case for what is in theory the most prestigious prize in the company would be akin to shooting oneself in the foot from point blank range.

Roman Reigns is a three-time WWE World Heavyweight Champion. WWE has tried to recreate that emotion of a championship win with The Guy on three occasions, and each time has been flatter than the last. Kalisto won the United States Heavyweight Championship, lost it a cup of coffee later and soon regained it, but you can't be a first-time champion if it isn't your first time.

Dean Ambrose may well go on to have multiple reigns as world champion in WWE. If the years ends with him being more than a one-time champion, it is difficult to see how those reigns won't feel cheaper than they should.
