7 WWE Divas Who Underwent Major Physical Changes

Someone looks a little...different.

By Jacob Trowbridge /

Let's not fool ourselves, World Wrestling Entertainment is, as its name implies, in the entertainment industry. And the one thing the entertainment industry values, above all else, is the overall appearance of its product. So when we begin talking about women's roles in that industry, we can pussyfoot around the topic as much as we want, but at the heart of it, there's a certain expectation for how those women look. And yes, there is a complete double standard. If there wasn't, Nicole Bass would still be employed with the company and Kane would have never been allowed to take that mask off. The women in the WWE are expected to look a certain way, which often leads to some rather drastic physical changes over the span of their careers. It's unfortunate that we spend so much time focusing on their appearances instead of their in-ring abilities. And it's doubly unfortunate that Vince McMahon hasn't really learned his lesson about hiring non-athletes as divas, instead choosing to bring in the bustiest, most objectively attractive women available and expecting every female on the roster to fit a similar mold. So at the risk of appearing hypocritical (an article about body transformations doesn't scream feminism), let's take a look at some WWE divas who underwent drastic physical alterations, even though they didn't need to.
