7 WWE Fake Accents That Are Miserably Poor

Voices from Parts Unknown.

By JP Wood /

When humans hear another person speak, we have learned to use their dialect and speech patterns as an indication of where that person is from. This allows our wacky human brains to make assumptions about someone from the instant they open their mouths. In the real world, this is problematic. In the world of wrestling, on the other hand, it’s a key storytelling tool. Do you have a British character and an American athlete? Give him a fake accent. Do you want a Canadian to play a character from Germany? Fake accent. Easy fix.


Not all fake accents, however, are created equal. Some perform their accents flawlessly, or at least well enough that no one questions its authenticity. WWE’s William Regal is a classic example. He was able to draw more heat for his character by affecting an upper-class accent rather than using his own Lancastrian one. His accent was never distracting, but instead was enhancing of his performance.

Then there are the others. Those poor few whose accents sail straight past distracting and land somewhere between spectacular and absurd. For better or worse, these seven fine souls gave it their all to get the message across, but somewhere down the line it was lost in phony translation.

7. Yokozuna

Yokozuna was an important figure in WWE during his time stint 1992 and 1996. The large Samoan was both the man who was able to claim to have ended Hulk Hogan’s WWE career, and at the same time was the man to anoint Hogan’s replacement. He also managed to be both WWF Champion and a Tag Team Champion during his run with the company.


With Yokozuna being billed from Japan, and the man himself hailing from Samoa, Yoko was given a manager in the form of the devious Mr. Fuji. The more experienced Fuji handled most of the talking for his gigantic charge, but when Yoko spoke, it was with a remarkably loud, clearly Samoan attempt at a Japanese accent.

Yokozuna’s appeal was never about his ability to talk, but rather on the imposing figure that he cut. His best work was performed in silence.
