Now, hang on. Before you roll your eyes and discount this as just another one of those articles on the internet that add to the endless Cena-bashing cacophony, that's not what this is. John Cena is a force for good in this world. He's done more work for the Make-A-Wish foundation that any other person in history, and frankly he's making every other celebrity look like slouches in comparison. He works an ungodly schedule and has done so for over a decade. No matter what anyone says, he's going to be remembered as one of the greats. But... That's not to say that John Cena's perfect. No one has ever thought that, and likely no one ever will. But this isn't about his stale character or his goofy promos, that's been covered to death elsewhere. This is about his bad habits that are purely confined to the squared circle. John Cena's a good wrestler, and despite his detractors' implacable howls of 'You Can't Wrestle' he's been part of some stone cold classics over the years. However, he's not the best worker in the world, and for someone in his position - the face of mainstream American wrestling and an inspiration to young wrestlers - he has some recurring issues, that, if address, would improve his matches immeasurably.