8 Best Moments Of WWE's PG Era

Not everything PG is automatically bad...

By Michael Gordon /

WWE's PG Era, which began in the summer of 2008, has always come in for a lot of criticism over the years from some sections of the fanbase. It seems that many fans who grew up during the Attitude Era of the late 1990's/early 2000's will always be predisposed to dislike TV-PG, precisely because it has taken away much of what they loved about the Attitude Era. WWE have significantly toned down the violence level of their product, with wrestlers no longer allowed to hit each other on the head with steel chairs or blade themselves during a high profile match. There is now much less sexually suggestive material and on occasion there is a high propensity for segments filled with shenanigans and kid-friendly humour. In many ways, the PG Era features many hallmarks of the Golden Age of WWE, whenever larger than life characters like Hulk Hogan and Ultimate Warrior were on top. However, breaking down an entire product into sweeping statements like this isn't always possible, as every era has it's highs and lows. The Attitude Era had it's fair share of dud storylines and misjudged humour, for example, but it countered this with a 'once in a lifetime' array of main-event level talent. Likewise, the PG Era is not all watered down material aimed at children, and has featured a number of superb moments since it's inception that can stand alongside anything from the Attitude Era or Golden Age. This article will look at eight of the very best moments from the PG Era, giving it some credit where credit is due.