8 Booking Steps For WWE Super Show-Down

WWE's Australian extravaganza can be much more than a glorified house show.

By Adam Clery /


In case you'd forgotten, it's WWE Super Show-Down this week. Either a once-in-a-lifetime, never to be repeated, top tier, fantasy booked Australian extravaganza where Vince and Co will finally start to appreciate one of their most over-looked territories orrrrrrrr a House Show that's on the Network, time will tell.


Either way though, with only TLC and Survivor Series still on the Very Serious WWE Show Calendar for 2018, it still has the potential to be a big deal. We're getting a lot of the top titles defended in matches that actually make sense, we're getting the continuation of a few good feuds, and we're also getting the headline-grabbing Undertaker vs Triple H match. Nobody's expecting Big 4 PPV levels of drama, but there's no reason we can't have some significance.

Sadly though it's still A) a show in Australia and B) WWE so there's every chance the whole exercise goes no further than ticking a few boxes and appeasing a lot of corporate sponsors a la Greatest Royal Rumble. But look, here's the thing, I'm actually really good at booking these things so I've devised a simple 8-point plan to ensure this is, in fact, Quite Good.
